Thinking About A New Global Order (Or, Credit Where Credit Is Due)
Friends, nerd out with me here for this post. I want to make clear that I am not interested in sane-washing the current administration's policies or their methods. I am deeply, deeply skeptical of the tiresome arguments of "oh, he's playing three-dimensional chess and y'all are just playing checkers"- and I will be honest with you: I straight up do not believe those arguments. However... we gotta talk about their foreign policy a little bit. An underdiscussed aspect of what drives the Trumpian/New Right (whatever you want to call it) foreign policy is how much of it is a backlash to the neoconservative disasters of the early 2000s. As much as it pains me to admit it, Trump was very open about wanting to end our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and (again, to his credit) didn't start any new wars in his first term. (Granted, he didn't get us out of Afghanistan in Term One either-- Biden did that and caught the flack/fallout for it instead of Trump, which worke...